Master Planned Development (MPD) Zone/ CPC-2010-3315-CA CEQA: ENV-2014-361-CE

City Planning Commission, October 9, 2014

The proposed ordinance (Appendix A) amends Sections 12.03, 12.04, 17.02, and 17.05 and adds new Section 12.04.10 to the Los Angeles Municipal Code to establish the Master Planned Development (MPD) Zone as a new zone classification to facilitate the entitlement of master planned campus-like or otherwise unified and integrated development projects in the City of Los Angeles.

On July 24, 2014, the City Planning Commission (CPC) considered the Department’s Staff Recommendation Report on a proposed ordinance that would create a new zone classification, the Master Planned Development (MPD) Zone. At that meeting staff presented an overview of the proposed enabling legislation. The CPC heard testimony from five members of the public, discussed the ramifications of the ordinance among themselves, and directed a number of questions to staff. The Commission continued their consideration of the MPD Zone to October 9, 2014, and stated that public comment would be reopened at that meeting.

Staff has since conducted an in-depth review of 41 case studies, including 36 upcoming and five selected past major projects. As a result of the research, staff is recommending a revised proposed ordinance to require that projects consist of at least three buildings in order to qualify for the MPD Zone. Research corroborated that the previous proposed minimum property size of 3 acres is appropriate and does not inordinately eliminate projects downtown, in Hollywood, or close to transit stops, as was postulated at the previous CPC meeting. Generally, projects on smaller properties appear to be associated with less floor area or fewer dwelling units, or guest rooms. Therefore no change was made to the required minimum property size.

The MPD Zone will be available for projects on property a minimum of 3 acres in area with a minimum of three buildings, and at least 500,000 square feet of nonresidential floor area, or 500 dwelling units or guest rooms, or a combination of 250,000 square feet of nonresidential floor and 250 dwelling units or guest rooms; the new zone classification will also be available to entitle parks or recreational facilities that are a minimum of 20 acres in area and open to the public. These projects by the nature of their size and scope require master planning. In addition, other details of the ordinance were refined to enhance its utility and clarity, as well as further protect the community.

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