Affordable Housing Linkage Fee (Linkage Fee)

Dear Local Stakeholders,
Los Angeles City Planning has issued the annual update to the fee schedule for the . The revised fee schedule incorporates the latest change to the Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) for the greater Los Angeles area, adjusted to account for annual inflation. Updated fees will take effect on July 1, 2024, as specified in the Linkage Fee Ordinance.
The Linkage Fee Ordinance was adopted by the City Council on December 13, 2017. It established a fee per square foot that is applicable to certain new market-rate residential and commercial development. The revenues from this ordinance have generated local funding for affordable units in addition to supporting the City’s overall housing needs.
The updated fee schedule lists the applicable fees that vary by market area and project type. Development Projects that are subject to the Linkage Fee are required to pay the applicable fee that is in place at the time of building permit issuance. To determine the market area for any property in the City of Los Angeles, please refer to the Planning and Zoning dropdown on ZIMAS or the maps included in the fee schedule.



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