Citywide Housing Incentive Program Ordinance, the Housing Element Sites and Minimum Density Ordinance, and the Resident Protections Ordinance. 


Dear Interested Parties,

Thank you for your engagement and helpful feedback thus far on the draft ordinances released earlier this year including the Citywide Housing Incentive Program Ordinance, the Housing Element Sites and Minimum Density Ordinance, and the Resident Protections Ordinance. 

As a result of your valuable feedback, Los Angeles City Planning is excited to announce the release of revised Housing Element Rezoning Program draft ordinances. The revised ordinances have been updated to incorporate the feedback and public comment received since their initial release in March of this year. Planning staff will continue to collect public comment through Thursday, August 1, 2024 that will be used to refine the draft ordinances as the Housing Element Rezoning Program moves through the Revise/Publish and Adoption phase. Click here to view the revised ordinances.

As part of the current phase of outreach, Los Angeles City Planning invites you to attend a public hearing on Thursday, July 25, 2024, where you can share your thoughts on the draft ordinances supporting the Housing Element Rezoning Program. The hearing will be held virtually over Zoom and commences at 5:00pm with an information session and live Q+A followed by the public hearing at 6:30pm. Additional information on how to participate in the hearing is provided in the hearing notice, available here. Please be aware that the public hearing is an opportunity for the City to collect comments that will inform future revisions of the draft ordinances and no decisions will be made during the staff hearing itself. Following the public hearing, staff will present the draft ordinances to the City Planning Commission on Thursday, September 26, 2024.

As a friendly reminder, if you’d like to learn more about the CHIP Ordinance, the Housing Element Sites and Minimum Density Ordinance, and the Resident Protections Ordinance you can click here. You can also stay up to date on this exciting work effort by signing up for updates. Lastly, share your feedback on the draft ordinances with us by emailing or completing the feedback form embedded in our Concept Explorer.

Thank you for your continued interest in supporting the future of housing in Los Angeles!

About the Draft Citywide Housing Incentive Program Ordinance

The Citywide Housing Incentive Program (CHIP) Ordinance encompasses several key CHIP strategies including Opportunity Corridors, the Affordable Housing Overlay, and updates to the City’s existing housing development incentive programs. In particular, these strategies have been adapted into three programs that comprise the CHIP Ordinance. These programs include the State Density Bonus Program, the Mixed Income Incentive Program, and the Affordable Housing Incentive Program. More information on how these strategies will be incorporated into the draft CHIP Ordinance can be found below.

State Density Bonus Program: Since the adoption of the City’s Density Bonus Ordinance in 2008, numerous state bills have made significant amendments to the State’s Density Bonus Law. The program aims to make key revisions to align with the State Density Bonus Law.

Mixed-Income Incentive Program: The Mixed Income Incentive Program intends to codify new incentives for housing development projects along Opportunity Corridors and projects constructing Missing Middle typologies in Higher Opportunity Areas. Additionally, this program will memorialize transit-based incentives currently housed in the Transit Oriented Communities (TOC) Affordable Housing Incentive Guidelines.

Affordable Housing Incentive Program: The Affordable Housing Incentive Program offers new incentives for 100% Affordable Housing Projects with additional incentives for Higher and Moderate Resource areas. This program will also provide citywide tailored incentives for sites where residential uses are currently restricted, including sites owned by faith-based organizations, publicly owned land, and sites zoned for parking.

About the Draft Housing Element Sites and Minimum Density Ordinance

The Housing Element Sites and Minimum Density Ordinance is intended to enact state housing element law for different types of sites related to the most recent Housing Element of the General Plan. In particular, it addresses housing element law requirements around housing replacement, no net loss, by-right development for 20% affordable housing projects, and minimum densities. The various requirements apply to three different kinds of Housing Element Sites, including the Inventory of Sites, sites located on Prior Inventory of Sites, and Lower Income Rezoning Sites. In addition, the draft ordinance would add minimum density requirements to various multifamily zone classifications to facilitate implementation of state law as well as ensure new development in these areas complies with policy objectives.

About the Draft Resident Protections Ordinance

The Resident Protections Ordinance would establish consistent protections for residents citywide and would expand access to new Affordable housing for Angelenos. The ordinance would establish longer affordability terms (99 years), and equal policies regarding the size, location and amenities of affordable units. It would also strengthen and expand housing replacement requirements, including a tenant’s right to remain, right to relocation, and right to return for all housing development projects.

Virtual Public Hearing

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Program Presentation and Live Q+A: 5 p.m. – 6:30 p.m.

Public Hearing: 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Join Zoom Webinar:

or Dial by your location: US: +1(213) 338-8477 or +1(669) 900-9128

Webinar/Meeting ID: 811-0229-8373 | Password: no password needed

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