Baseline Hillside Ordinance – CF14-1059 and CF14-1059 S1

City Council

INSTRUCT the Los Angeles Department of Building and Safety (LADBS) and the Bureau of Street Services, with the assistance of the Department of City Planning (DCP), and in consultation with the City Attorney, to prepare a report in 90 days that provides recommendations relative to the feasibility of:

– Modifying the exemption process for hillside grading.
– Including cement trucks into the haul route hearing process to provide Council offices with a mechanism to monitor and insure safety.
– Requiring a full completion bond on hillside projects and best practices.
– Increasing the notification for haul route hearings to include residents within a 500 square foot radius along with those residents living along the haul route, excluding those living along highways.
– Increasing the street bond for haul routes.

DIRECT the LADBS, with the assistance of the DCP, and in consultation with the City Attorney, to provide recommendations relative to best practices as it relates to withholding Certificate of Occupancy permits for outstanding violations, and the feasibility of revising the permitted hours of construction, and the potential impacts of limiting the hauling of dirt and cement pours to Monday through Friday, with no Saturday or Sunday hauling.

INSTRUCT the LADBS, in consultation with the City Attorney, to also report on the feasibility of requiring hillside project applicants to pay a hillside safety fee for increased inspections and infrastructure to protect neighborhood residents from the adverse impacts of large out of scale development projects.

DIRECT the LADBS to also include in its report information regarding:

– The inclusion of grading that results from caissons and other similar concrete shoring/footing elements.
– The requirement of a licensed contractor for homes of a certain size and not allowing owner/builder allowances for extremely large homes.
– The requirement for additional review, including those related to the California Environmental Quality Act, for homes of a certain size.

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