Landscaping, including the planting of edible plant materials

CF 13-0478

PUBLIC WORKS AND GANG REDUCTION COMMITTEE REPORT and ORDINANCE FIRST CONSIDERATION relative to amending Sections 61.162, 62.163 and 62.169 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (LAMC) to allow landscaping, including the planting of edible plant materials, within the parkway portion of the street in an area zoned for residential use.

Recommendation for Council action, SUBJECT TO THE APPROVAL OF THE MAYOR:

PRESENT and ADOPT the accompanying ORDINANCE amending Sections 61.162, 62.163 and 62.169 of the LAMC to allow landscaping, including the planting of edible plant materials, within the parkway portion of the street in an area zoned for residential use.

Fiscal Impact Statement: None submitted by the City Attorney. Neither the City Administrative Officer nor the Chief Legislative Analyst has completed a financial analysis of this report.

Community Impact Statement: None submitted.

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