Condition Compliance Unit Ordinance will be at PLUM on March 24

Please note that a proposed ordinance which includes fees to allow the Planning Department’s Condition Compliance Unit to expand its current staffing level and more importantly to cover additional monitoring functions will be scheduled for PLUM Committee on March 24, 2015 at City Hall.

Specifically these new functions will include the proactive monitoring of grants AND inspections of establishments during operating hours to ensure applicants/operators and business owners abide by the conditions placed upon them by the decision makers. This ordinance makes the Planning Department accountable for its approvals but more importantly, it will provide operators with the tools to and objective documentation to support future approvals.

The CAO will be presenting the report, along with the proposed DCP ordinance. You can view the City Attorney Report and draft ordinance in the City Clerk Website at Council File 15-0135

Thank you for all your support and patience and I look forward to seeing you next week. Please call or email me if you have any questions or need additional information.

Rocky Wiles
Condition Compliance Unit
D 213.978.1914
200 N. Spring St., Suite 528
Los Angeles, CA 90012

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