Site Plan Review Ordinance to Increase the Production of Affordable Housing

CF 15-1003  At City Council-Adopted to Refer, Unanimous Vote (15)  Motion

HOUSING COMMITTEE REPORT relative to amending the Site Plan Review Ordinance to increase the production of affordable housing in the City of Los Angeles.

Recommendation for Council action, as initiated by Motion (Cedillo – O’Farrell):

INSTRUCT the Department of City Planning:

To report with recommendations to amend the Site Plan Review Ordinance, increasing the threshold from 50 residential units and establishing an administrative zoning clearance process for projects below this threshold as a strategy to increase the City’s affordable housing production.

To incorporate in its report recommendation 7M of the joint City Administrative Officer (CAO) and Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) Comprehensive Homeless Strategy report to the Mayor and Council dated January 7, 2016.

In conjunction with the Los Angeles Housing and Community Investment Department and any other relevant departments, to prioritize the recommendations of the HOUSE LA Initiative Motions by which would have the largest impact on increasing the City’s housing stock, including recommendations 7D, 7K, 7L, 7M, and 8C of the joint CAO and CLA Comprehensive Homeless Strategy joint report.

DIRECT the City Clerk to create one Council file for the purpose of consolidating all HOUSE LA Initiative Motions (Council file Nos. 14-0057-S1, 15-1002, 15-1003, 15-1004, 15-1005, 15-1007, and 15-1251) and all forthcoming requested reports.

Fiscal Impact Statement: Neither the CAO nor the CLA has completed a financial analysis of this report.
Community Impact Statement: Yes.
Against: Valley Village Neighborhood Council

(Planning and Land Use Management Committee waived consideration of the above matter)

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