Sylmar Community Plan Implementation Overlay District

CF 15-0622  At PLUM
CD 7

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) findings to the previously certified Environmental Impact Report (EIR) (ENV-2006-5624-EIR certified on June 24, 2015) and CEQA “no project” finding related to the fee ordinance, reports from City Attorney and Los Angeles City Planning Commission, and Ordinances relative to establishing the Sylmar Community Plan Implementation Overlay District and accompanying fees, and replacing and superseding Ordinance No. 153386 to amend the boundaries of the Sylmar “K” Equinekeeping District, and the Ordinance for the Zone and Height District changes.

Case No. CPC-2006-5569-CPU
Fiscal Impact Statement: No
Community Impact Statement: None submitted.

(On June 10, 2015, Council referred the Zone Change and Height District Ordinance back to the Planning and Land Use Management Committee)

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