EXECUTIVE DIRECTIVE NO. 18: A Safe and Healthy Workforce and Risk Management

Executive Directive No. 18

The City’s diverse and talented workforce is the lifeblood of Los Angeles, providing a
wide array of essential services to all Angelenos. I am committed to maximizing the
wellness and safety of our residents and those who serve them.

I am also committed to other aspects of risk management, including minimizing liability
claims and litigation. Liabilities take many forms, including general liability, vehicle
liability, employment liability, and workers’ compensation liability. The City’s growing
workers’ compensation costs comprise the vast majority of its overall liability costs.

Since I became Mayor, I have taken actions to manage overall risk in ways that are
flexible and meaningful, that focus on the outcomes of risk management, and that utilize
performance indicators and performance-based budgeting. I have met with the Heads
of all City Departments, including the proprietary Departments, to discuss the purpose
and implementation of measures to manage the risk of liabilities and my expectations
regarding managing risk. On an ongoing basis, the Deputy Mayor for Budget and
Innovation follows up with General Managers on their risk-management strategies, and I
include the effective management of litigation risk and workers’ compensation liabilities
in their annual performance evaluations and salary reviews. My staff and I have
consulted with our employee representatives on ways to improve risk management and
employee wellness. We also have worked closely with the City Attorney, the members
of the City Council, and their staffs to address these matters. …

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