City of Los Angeles CEQA Update

Notice of Open House and Public Hearing California Environmental Quality Act and Transportation Update

You are invited to an Informational Open House and a Public Hearing regarding updates by the Los Angeles Department of City Planning and Department of Transportation to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) process.

The City of Los Angeles is updating the Transportation Section of the Los Angeles CEQA Thresholds Guide to comply with State legislation (Senate Bill 743). State guidelines require all cities to update their transportation impact analysis metrics to vehicle miles traveled (VMT) before July 1, 2020. This approach prioritizes the safety and access of all street users. The State is also proposing a comprehensive update to the CEQA Guidelines. Accordingly, the Department of City Planning is updating its CEQA significance thresholds as part of the State’s 2019 update to CEQA.

The Open House events are intended to allow the community to learn more about and review these updates , provide public comment, and to ask questions of Department of City Planning and Department of Transportation staff. There will be public hearings at each Open House, where oral testimony will be recorded.

Click on the green highlight to view official documents and reports.

Notice of Open House and Public Hearing (November 28, 2018)

California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and Transportation Update


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