Council and Committee Referrals – June 5, 2019


19-0604  Ordinance of the existing heavy-truck idling regulations and to restrict parked vehicle idling to one minute or less.
To Transportation Committee
Motion (Koretz – Harris-Dawson) relative to requesting the City Attorney, in consultation with Los Angeles Department of Transportation and other relevant departments, to prepare and present an Ordinance of the existing heavy-truck idling regulations and to restrict parked vehicle idling to one minute or less and do so in a way that does not negatively impact low income community members.
19-0002-S102  SB 330 (Skinner), which would place until January 1, 2025 a moratorium on “down-zoning.
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Koretz – Smith) relative to the City including in its 2019-20 State Legislative Program its position to SB 330 (Skinner), which would place until January 1, 2025 a moratorium on “down-zoning” parcels, that is reducing the number of units that can be built on a parcel and in addition prohibit cities and counties, including charter cities from imposing parking requirements within one-quarter mile of a rail stop and freeze nearly all project related fees.
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