Council and Committee Referrals – June 26, 2019


19-0723 Shutdown of nuisance properties that are being used for housing purposes.
To Housing Committee
Motion (Price – Harris-Dawson) relative to instructing relevant City departments to report on how the City can better coordinate efforts to expedite the shutdown of nuisance properties that are being used for housing purposes.


19-0002-S117 SB 592 (Wiener) which would amend the Housing Accountability Act
To Rules, Elections, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee
Resolution (Koretz – Harris-Dawson) relative to the City including in its 2019-20 State Legislative Program its position on SB 592 (Wiener) which would amend the Housing Accountability Act by reducing local control of housing land use decisions and would allow developers who prevail in court over the rejection of a housing development to receive compensatory damages.
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