Beginning January 1st, 2022, SATTWeekly will provide two Readership options


Since 2015,  SATT has provided an information portal for readers who seek to stay aware of land use policy in the City of Los Angeles.   Sources of information include agendas for the Area Planning Commissions (APCs), City Planning Commission (CPC), Planning Land Use Committee (PLUM), and City Council.) These up-to-date posts highlighted proposed land use and planning policy specific to the City of Los Angeles, emphasizing San Fernando Valley communities.

Weekly reports to your email inbox have grown to over 1,700 posts that provide timely and actionable information.  Over the next year, you will see significant and surprising changes.

Readership Option One is fee-based at the cost of $52 annually. Option One will provide City of Los Angeles land use policy updates identifying motions, meetings, and public hearing dates. There are two bonuses in Readership Option One. Firstly, access to insights on the implementation of land use policy gained through research, interviews with leaders such as City Council land use deputies, land use consultants, Neighborhood Councils, greater understanding of news articles gained from discussions with the writer(s), and polling of selected interested parties who speak at public hearings, and a look at land-use applications that utilize recently adopted land use policy. Secondly, access to recent land-use articles related to the City of Los Angeles planning and development process.

Readership Option Two is free and provides City of Los Angeles land use policy updates identifying motions, meetings, and public hearing dates. Under the no-fee option, the bouses in Readership Option One are accessible with a one-year delay.

Readership Option One is free for contributors willing to indulge me with my questions and provide me your advice (i.e., on or off the record).   The payment process is being set up, but you can beat the clock by forwarding your email address to, and I will provide a Venmo processing payment request or mail $52 to  SATT’s business address shown below.


Best regards to all,  Nicolas



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