General Plan Amendment to make targeted amendments to the adopted Housing Element



Council District: ALL
CEQA: ENV-2020-6762-EIR-ADD1 **   Last Day to Act: N/A

Plan Area: Citywide
Related Cases: CPC-2020-1365-GPA; ENV-2020-6762-EIR; CF 21-1230


The General Plan Housing Element update for the 6th cycle (2021-2029) was adopted by the City
Council on November 24, 2021. The Project proposes a General Plan Amendment to make
targeted amendments to the adopted Housing Element, including the modification and addition of
implementation programs in Chapter 6 to clarify metrics, milestones, actions, and strategies to
affirmatively further fair housing as well as expand place-based programs to encourage community
revitalization; and the correction of formatting and typographical errors.


1. Conduct a public hearing on the Project, as described in this Staff Recommendation Report;
2. Approve the Staff Recommendation Report as the Commission Report;
3. Approve and Recommend that the City Council adopt the Findings in the Staff
Recommendation Report;
4. Recommend the City Council find, based on their independent judgment, after consideration of the whole of the administrative record, including the 2021-2029 Housing Element EIR, SCH No. 2021010130, certified on November 24, 2021 (EIR) and the Addendum prepared for the Proposed Project (Addendum) (Exhibit C), the Project was assessed in the EIR and pursuant to the CEQA Guidelines, Sections 15162 and 15164 and the Addendum, that no major revisions to the EIR are required and no subsequent EIR, supplemental EIR, or negative declaration is required for approval of the Project;
5. Approve and Recommend that the Mayor approve and the City Council adopt the Resolution in Exhibit A to amend the Housing Element of the General Plan, as shown in Exhibit B;
6. Authorize the Director of Planning to present the Resolution (Exhibit A) and General Plan
Amendment (Exhibit B) to the Mayor and City Council, in accordance with City Charter Section 555 and LAMC Section 11.5.6.; and
7. Adopt a Resolution (Exhibit F) pursuant to City Charter Sections 559 and 560 to delegate
authority to the Director of Planning to review and make recommendations on behalf of the
City Planning Commission for future technical or targeted modifications by the City Council to the City Planning Commission’s recommendation on Resolution (Exhibit A) and General Plan Amendment (Exhibit B), or other targeted amendments to the 2021-2029 Housing Element of the General Plan, until such time as the City obtains a finding by HCD that the 2021-2029 Housing Element substantially complies with all statutory requirements for the sixth revision of the City’s Housing Element.

Applicant: City of Los Angeles
Staff: Blair Smith, City Planner

(213) 978-1886

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