Bioscience Industry / Incentives / Chatsworth-Northridge Industrial Core / Innov818 Zone

CF 22-1274   AT PLUM 11/29/2022

Motion (Lee – Blumenfield) relative to instructing the Departments of City Planning, and Building and Safety, to report on the feasibility of creating an overlay zone and/or the use of other land use tools that would streamline the entitlement and permitting processes for bioscience-related uses within the Chatsworth-Northridge Industrial Core, Innov818 zone; and instruct the City Administrative Officer, Chief Legislative Analyst, and the Office of Finance to provide a comprehensive report to include: 1) the feasibility of temporarily increasing the gross receipts tax exemption threshold along with an economic and financial analysis of increasing the threshold; and 2) recommendations on implementing the higher exemption threshold, including cap amounts along with other incentives and/or tax exemptions that could be implemented to assist growth of the bioscience industry in the City of Los Angeles.


Click on the BLUE HIGHLIGHT to view official documents.

  • 11/23/2022 Planning and Land Use Management Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on November 29, 2022.  Motion 10/25/2022
  • 10/25/2022 Motion referred to Budget and Finance Committee; Planning and Land Use Management Committee.  Motion 10/25/2022
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