City Council Motions

Read Motions 12/06/2022

The City of Los Angeles is in the midst of a housing crisis. In addition to the high rent burden tenants face, renters and buyers in the city are also facing housing supply shortages, which in tum exacerbate high prices. According to the Los Angeles Times, citing commercial real estate data firm CoStar, the vacancy rate in the city has dropped from six percent in mid-2020, to three and a half percent in 2022. In an effort to boost supply, state laws enacted in 2020 and 2021 removed several restrictions around building accessory dwelling units (ADUs) in California and contained measures designed to actively promote construction.   …

I THEREFORE MOVE that the City Attorney, in consultation with the Department of Building and Safety, be directed to identify and report on the proper mechanism and documentation necessary for waiving the requirement of a Certificate of Occupancy as the basis for ADU conversion and instead require only permit issuance.

I FURTHER MOVE that the Department of Building and Safety, the Department of City Planning, with the assistance of the Chief Legislative Analyst and other relevant departments, be directed to report with recommendations on implementing a citywide ordinance to effectuate an amnesty program for legalizing unpermitted ADUs. The report should include applicable precedents from the City’s Unpermitted Dwelling Unit Ordinance, and recommended parameters …


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