AB 1532 – Office conversion projects

Read: AB 1532 

This bill would make an office conversion project, as defined, that meets certain requirements a use by right in all areas regardless of zoning. The bill would define “office conversion project” to mean the conversion of a building used for office purposes or a vacant office building into residential dwelling units. The bill would define “use by right” to mean that the city or county’s review of the office conversion may not require a conditional use permit, planned unit development permit, or other discretionary city or county review or approval that would constitute a “project” for purposes of CEQA, as specified. By requiring the approval of housing crisis projects as a use by right, the bill would expand the exemption for approval of ministerial projects under CEQA.

This bill would exempt an office conversion project from impact fees, as defined, that are not directly related to the conversion of an office building into residential dwelling units. The bill would allow the proponent of an office conversion project to pay applicable impact fees over a 10-year period, subject to specified requirements.

This bill would authorize a local government to adopt an ordinance to implement these provisions and specify the process and requirements applicable to office conversion projects, provided that the ordinance is consistent with, and does not inhibit the objectives of the bill.

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