Coastal Equity and Environmental Justice Policy / Discriminatory Land Use Policies / Equitable and Fair Housing Practices / Coastal Development Permit / California Coastal Act of 1976 / AB 2616 (Burke) / Accessible Coastal Zone

CD 21-1071   AT PLUM 01/18/2022

Motion (Bonin – Rodriguez) relative to directing the Department of City Planning (DCP), in coordination with the DCP’s Office of Racial Justice, Equity, and Transformative Planning, to report to the Council within 60 days with a work program to develop a Coastal Equity and Environmental Justice Policy that will inform future land use policy, promote greater public participation and engagement with underrepresented and/or underserved communities, and be reflected in project determinations in the Coastal Zone; directing the DCP, with assistance from the Los Angeles Housing Department (LAHD) and other relevant agencies, to report to the Council with a detailed analysis within 60 days on topics related to housing equity and access in the Coastal Zone; including, but not limited to: historic housing and demographic trends, displacement and gentrification effects on historically marginalized populations, the impact of new development and housing typologies on available market rate and affordable housing stock, and the cumulative impacts of historic downzoning and land use policy on housing capacity; and, instructing the DCP, with assistance from the LAHD and other relevant agencies, to develop and present Environmental Justice policy and program recommendations as part of the upcoming Venice Local Coastal Program, Venice Community Plan, and the “Plan for a Healthy Los Angeles” updates.

Community Impact Statement: None submitted

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  • 01/14/2022 Planning and Land Use Management Committee scheduled item for committee meeting on January 18, 2022.  Motion 09/28/2022
  • 09/28/2021 Motion referred to Planning and Land Use Management Committee. Motion 09/28/2022
  • Communication(s) from Public_10-20-2021
  • Communication(s) from Public_10-15-2021
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